
Bal d'Onsera, Zaragoza - サラゴサの一つ星

サラゴサでの夕食はいくつかの候補をTripAdvisorの書き込みを基に考えてみたが、繁華街から少し離れる店もあったので、近場を歩いて探索してみることにした。その中でシンプルモダンな構えの小さな店bal d’onseraに惹かれた。とは言えコースメニューが35€くらいで、散財を考えていない我々はちょっと気持ちが引き気味になるのを、アラカルトで軽く食べれば良かろうと思い切って入店。店の外観はバーカウンターが見える程度でそれほど親しみを感じる雰囲気ではないが、ワインラックの奥にはそこそこ落ち着けそうなレストラン空間があった。


With some candidates picked up from TripAdvisor in mind, we walked around the neighborhood for a while, and a small bal-restaurant with simple and modern look appeared interesting to us. The price of 35 for the course menu was slightly over-budget but we decided to step in as we thought a lighter a la carte dinner would work. The entrance area with a small bar counter wasn’t too inviting, although behind the wine rack was a more relaxing space for dining.
The staff was all young guys, very supportive and efficient. We were attended by an Italian who settled here because his girlfriend lived in Zaragoza. The starter we chose were mushroom risotto and Iberico tartar which were an absolute marvel. It makes sense they carry a single Michelin star that came to our knowledge later. I asked after the main dish if they have any wine in place of a desert, and they brought a glass of local moscatel to our delight. Maetierra’s Melante from Sadacia was permanently stored in our memory. We spent some 40 for two the night, and we would be happy to come back to Zaragoza again for a more complete dinner here.

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